Lost Me at Leviticus: The Meaning of Law & Sacrifice

For any of us who have attempted a Bible-reading plan, the first snag we encounter tends to be the book of Leviticus. Genesis holds our attention, and Exodus feels familiar–but Leviticus? Well, it’s made up of a lot of law and practices that seem bizarre and irrelevant to most of us. Some have even taken to calling it a “priestly tech manual.”

But embedded in the pages of Leviticus are pointers to the holiness of God, the sinfulness of humanity…and how exactly God has made a way to bridge the chasm in between. 

So buckle up, and let’s take a deep dive into the meaning and significance of Leviticus (and Numbers). How does the content of these books help us understand God and ourselves a little better?

This series takes five weeks to explore what the Bible is, and how to read it well. This series is part of our Year of the Bible initiative.


Below you’ll find helpful/inspirational resources to use throughout the series:

Who Shall Ascend the Mountain of the Lord? commentary by Michael Morales 

Leviticus: NIV Application Commentary by Roy Gane


Below you’ll find each teaching from this series, beginning with the most recent.


God Said What?! Making Sense of Conquest & Holy War


The Book of Strange New Things: Entering the World of the Bible