
Our church is led and shepherded by multiple pastors and leaders, who serve together as a safeguard for both the pastors and the church. In the bible, pastors are called to lead by example (1 Peter 5:1-5), exhibiting exemplary character (1 Timothy 3:1-7), and taking the posture of servants among our church family (Matthew 20:25-28). We have both paid pastors (who work full-time or part-time for the church), and “lay” pastors (pastors that have jobs elsewhere but volunteer as overseers of our church).

We also have various leaders who serve in administrative roles within our church, akin to the role of “deacon” in the bible (Acts 6:1-7, 1 Timothy 3:8-13).

Below, you’ll find the various pastors and leaders who serve among our church family.


Kent Bateman

Pastor of
Vision & Teaching

Eric Freemon

Pastor of
Missions & Member Care

Marcus Williamson



Stephen Ellett

Executive Director

Sara Freemon

Director of
Gatherings & Events

Callie Holland

Director of
Media & Communications

Jordan Gaut

Director of
Youth & College Ministry

Colton LeBoeuf

Director of
Groups & Discipleship

Melanie Williamson

Director of
Kids & Families