Frequently Asked Questions
Who is the lead pastor of City Church?
The short answer is that we don’t have one. The long answer is on our Leadership page.
What accountability does City Church have in place for its leaders?
Great question. For starters, we operate with a “plurality” of leaders. Meaning no one pastor gets to call all the shots or exercise authority over everyone else. Additionally, all of our leaders are actively involved in LifeGroups, where they can be known well by others in our church.
From a financial standpoint, our pastors receive wise counsel from a team made up of members of our church with experience in business finances. This volunteer-led team makes all final decisions regarding compensation for our pastors and staff.
How does City Church practice communion?
We take communion as a church nearly every Sunday together, following the teaching. Any follower of Jesus, from any church tradition, member or not, is invited to participate in communion with us.
Our method of communion is called intinction, which just means taking a piece of bread and dipping it in juice. But there’s no particular magic to the method–we just find that to be the most practical form for our setting.
During our response time after the teaching, you may see groups of people taking communion together. These are LifeGroups or groups of friends participating together because they believe communion to be a communal, as well as an individual act.
Does City Church teach topically or from books of the bible?
Our style of teaching is expositional, meaning we seek to “exposit” (expound on the meaning and purpose of) the Scriptures as a whole. Sometimes we do that by teaching from passages in the bible on particular topics, and sometimes we do that by teaching through books of the bible beginning to end.
What does City Church believe about the Holy Spirit?
Lots of things. To get a full picture, have a listen to this 2024 series all about the Holy Spirit.
What does City Church believe about women in roles of church leadership?
We understand how important this topic is to many people, for many different reasons. Because of that, our team has put together a detailed position paper articulating our beliefs on it. You can download and read it here.
What does City Church believe about racial justice?
A great place to start is this 2021 series on the subject.
Is City Church a part of any church denomination?
Officially, we aren’t a part of any particular denomination. But we value collaboration with other churches highly, which is why we participate with organizations like Koinonia Network.