In Knoxville
as it is in heaven
In Knoxville as it is in heaven is a phrase we use a lot (and plaster on most everything we hand out) to describe how we feel called to live as a church. It’s very unoriginal; we stole it directly from Jesus’ famous “Lord’s prayer” and just changed the word “earth” to “Knoxville.”
But in just a handful of words, it describes the goal of followers of Jesus living in our city. We want to see God’s kingdom come, his will be done in Knoxville, as it is in heaven. What we want for Knoxville is what God wants: that people would come to know him, follow him, and devote their lives to making him known.
So we invite you to join us in living with this simple, yet profound vision: in Knoxville as it is in heaven.
Doing that is a natural result of pursuing our values.
We are…
Bible Saturated:
We want every member of City Church to have a knowledge, understanding, and love of the Scriptures–Old Testament and New.
Spirit Led:
We want every member of City Church to have an intimate, bold, and obedient relationship with the Holy Spirit.
Discipleship Driven:
We want every member of City Church to have at least two people they are persistently spiritually investing in, and at least one person persistently investing in them.
Outward Oriented:
We want every member of City Church to have a burden for the lostness in our world, and a personal commitment to connecting friends, neighbors, coworkers and family members to Jesus.