I Just Can't Believe: Obstacles & Objections to Faith

Series Description

If you’re a follower of Jesus, the problem is all too familiar. You’ve read the articles about how churches and Christians are “out of touch” with the world. You’ve heard the podcasts about how Christianity needs a facelift–how it needs to reinvent and re-market itself if it’s going to survive. 

Behind all of these perspectives is a common assumption: the assumption that there are just too many hang-ups and objections to Christianity as it stands. There are too many hoops to jump through, too many difficult ideas to swallow. Many of us have felt these objections in ourselves, whether we’d admit it or not. Others of us encounter people every day who have these objections, and don’t know how to speak to them intelligently and helpfully. 

But if we could learn, there’s an opportunity for the taking. There’s an opportunity to have compassionate, understanding, and informed conversations with people who struggle with the ideas surrounding faith and Jesus. And we desperately want to see that happen.

This series takes six weeks to unpack common obstacles and objections to faith in Jesus, understand them, and speak to them truthfully and helpfully. 


Below you’ll find the teachings from this series, beginning with the most recent.


Church is a Family: Life Together in the Kingdom of God


Holy Ghost Revival: Recovering the Practical Power of the Spirit