We’re making room.
Making Knoxville as it is in heaven is more of an invitation than a statement. Because of the incredible growth City Church is currently experiencing, we see an opportunity to show hospitality by making room for the people of our city to be a part of Sunday Gatherings.
Beginning February 2, we’ll offer two Gatherings: one at 9:00 and one at 11:00 a.m. To do this intentionally, we’ve created three ways you can be a part of making room.
Three Opportunities to Make Room
Attending the 11:00 a.m.
We’re asking 125 regular City Church attenders to commit to attend the 11:00 a.m. Gathering from February to May 2025. Here’s why: Having committed attenders will be foundational in creating the authentic, genuine City Church culture we all love being a part of. This opportunity simply means you’ll be a reflection of a Jesus-centered family on mission to those who are new to City Church.
I’ll help by attending the 11:00 a.m. Gathering:
Serving in City Kids
Opening our new City Kids spaces means we have more opportunities to serve in those spaces.
We’re asking 40 City Church attenders who are not currently serving with City Kids to commit to attend a Gathering and serve during a Gathering once a month from February to May 2025.
I’ll help by serving in City Kids:
Being a LifeGroup Leader
Currently, the largest ministry at City Church is LifeGroups. They’re the core of our church family because we’re not a church with LifeGroups, but a church of LifeGroups. As our Gatherings grow, so does our need for more LifeGroups. This third opportunity is simply saying you’re open to being a LifeGroup Leader as we continue multiplying our current LifeGroups.
I’ll help by becoming a LifeGroup leader:
Give financially.
Shifting to two Gatherings comes with some increased costs around staff, volunteers and overall utilities. If you call City Church home, we want to invite you to give.